Hey, it's my old band!
It was 1991 and punk just "broke" so in a sort of protest, Nick (who I still play with in various bands) and I decided it was time to start playing heavier stuff again. We teamed up with Chris Cockrell (From Kyuss and Evolution's End) and our drummer John Hall (who quit soon after when he couldn't take Chris's getting near black out drunk at shows -ha!). Eventually we got Tony Tornay (Fatso Jetson, Chuck Dukowski Sextet) and recorded this CD with Brant Bjork on he and Tony's label.
We recorded and mixed everything in a couple days. The bass shoulda been mixed better, and we shoulda had our shit together more, but whatever.
Live, we usually played in front of a 16mm projection of educational films of space and Egypt (I was/am really into Hawkwind, Butthole Surfers and Ed Hall) and took lots of drugs. It was a fun time.
I wrote the music to Rats, Puppy Has Ludes, and Bad Mitten Sex Kitten. Nick wrote Exode, Voodoo Spell (my favorite track) and Chris wrote the rest (Helping Hands being my 2nd favorite track).
We did a live version of C.O.C.'s "Mad World" at the end of the record. We were jumping around a lot and I unplugged myself, so I patched in the second part of my "solo". Anyways, we all were big fans of the first two C.O.C. records.
Well, for Kyuss Kompletists this is a must-have. Anyone else? Download at your own risk. I like some of it.
Thanks to Mr Phreek for scanning the art for this. Check out his BLOG.
Acid And Gasoline
You're welcome! Glad to be of service! And thanks for the shout-out!