Tuesday, May 25, 2010

TSOL - Change Today?

I first heard of T.S.O.L. in 6th grade, because for some weird reason all the 7th graders (even the preppies) somehow got into them (maybe it was the same year they played a party in the desert - a show my band mate Nick got to see - and news spread to us middle schoolers?). In any case, I'd heard them ("Code Blue" really appealed to my sense of humor at the time), and seen pictures of them when I got my "Hardcore Punk in California Book" in 8th grade, but I didn't get INTO them 'til a year later when in 9th grade (the year I really got into all the punk stuff) I bought a skate video called "Summer Sessions". the video was pretty crappy, but it was my first skate video so I watched it over and over again. Also, the entire soundtrack was nearly every song off of "Change Today?"
It was the beginning of the end for TSOL, and by the time I was a senior, my friend who was into stuff like Tesla, Skid Row and Guns 'n' Roses became a fan (always the sign of a band going "mersh"). They also, as you know had no more original members.

Anyways, at band practice the other day we all broke into an A cappella version of "How Do", and last practice I annoyed Nick trying to figure out the riff to "Red Shadows". He swears he'll never listen to this record again after that. This is for you, buddy!

p.s. For some reason I never got in to the opening track, "Black Magic" so I always start on the second song. Always. Maybe I'll give it another chance.



  1. This record was my high school guilty pleasure. I liked the songs but I knew that this was lame. I think Dag Nasty's "Wig Out at Denko's" was the other one. Anyhoo, thanks. I imagine I will dl this, listen to it, be filled with nostalgia and then never listen to it again.

  2. My friend had that vid too! I remember it sucking hard compared with the first Bones Brigade vid. I just can't listen to these guys anymore, but I will say that Grisham does have an amazing voice.

  3. Just looking at a run different footage) from the same contest in Summer Sessions where Lance has the tail of his board in flames. Instantly the song "flowers by the Door" (TSOL)came to me and I thought I wanna check this out and see if my memory was on... I stumbled onto this and damn!- this video was the first skate vid I ever saw too and it'll always be SO great cos of the romanticism of that music and the start of a life that turned out to be skateboarding. Come back to check out this blog better for sure. Peace

  4. Cheers Scott! Thanks for the comment, and good to hear I'm not the only one!

  5. Does anyone know where to get this video????

  6. I have this on old VHS is it on Disc?
    I liked TSOL Change Today & Revenge more than the original stuff....

  7. i agree with previous post. their doors-cum-rock phase was great and better than the early stuff imho. not to say that the early stuff was bad in any way

  8. Summer SESSIONS was an awesome skate video and TSOL has great sound track.
    "I need my board for Tahoe! I need it for Tahoe....
